Northshore Technical College

"Selecting Wonderlic for our program was a no-brainer.”
Northshore Technical College in Greensburg, Louisiana offers a GED program to help students move towards their goals of higher education. It was the first school in Louisiana to receive approval for a competitive grant required by state legislation for the administration of GED programs by community colleges and technical schools. Go Northshore.

Selecting Wonderlic for our program was a no-brainer.

Burke Jones, Assistant Dean

The Challenge

Assistant Dean Burke Jones had high expectations for the new program but needed an evaluation tool to assess applicants for proper enrollment. Because students were applying with varying educational backgrounds, each person had different skill levels and instructional needs to consider.

The Solution

“We needed a good, solid test to evaluate the students when they first come into the program,” says Mr. Jones. “I looked at several recommended assessments, and GAIN stood out.” The Wonderlic General Assessment of Instructional Needs (GAIN), measures English and math basic skills for all levels of students on one form. It provides the whole shebang: NRS Educational Functioning Level (EFL) of each test taker, scale scores, and detailed instructional needs.  Since Louisiana was one of the first states to adopt GAIN as an approved test for Adult Basic Education, Northshore quickly implemented the assessment into their admissions process. GAIN not only helped Northshore place students appropriately - they were also able to easily upload student scores directly into Louisiana’s state database.  

The Results

Since adding GAIN to their process, Northshore has benefited from its ease of use and motivational power with students. And procurement has been ecstatic about the simple, straightforward pricing. “The report GAIN generates shows the scores for the pretest and post test, with a graph showing the student’s progress. It’s very motivating for them  to see how far they’ve come, and to know exactly what areas to study so they’ll be ready for the GED.”  Mr. Jones, now a huge GAIN enthusiast, has since recommended the test to a ton of his colleagues. “Selecting GAIN for our program was a no-brainer. It’s so straightforward and so much simpler than the alternatives. I’m very pleased with the results.” Clearly, Northshore has GAINed a lot from using Wonderlic.

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