SLE score requirements can be tied to each program based on the curriculum.
The leading student admissions test for Career Colleges is the Scholastic Level Exam (SLE). This blog explains what it is, what it’s used for, and how it can help your school admit students who are likely to succeed in the classroom and beyond.
Let's talk about Wonderlic's Scholastic Level Exam, or SLE. We get number of people asking what it is, what it’s used for, and how it can help their school, so I thought I’d share some information with you. First, the SLE is a cognitive abilities test. If you don’t know what cognitive ability is, check out our blog – we have lots of great information about cognitive ability. But in essence, cognitive ability determines a person’s ability to learn, understand instructions and solve problems – all critical factors when you’re thinking about enrolling students! SLE score requirements can be tied to each program based on the curriculum and ultimately, the career each program feeds into. It is used by both large and small schools and, since being introduced more than 40 years ago, has become the number one student admissions test for Career Colleges. So how can the Wonderlic SLE benefit your school and your students? Well, let’s look at some numbers. We conducted a study on over 11,000 students that were admitted to various colleges using the SLE. We found that SLE scores were significantly and positively related to GPA. Take a look at this chart…