Student Retention: What Do You Do When “Life Happens”
When adult educators get together and discuss their concerns, student retention is always mentioned as a major issue. This should

Only 6 Months Left to Avoid GED Reset!
Do you have students who have passed portions of the GED test, but not all?
Or, have some taken the entire test,

6 Social Media Activities for Adult Educators
As Adult Education programs struggle to manage shrinking budgets, many are looking “outside the box” for ways to increase funding.

Social media in education: 6 things teachers can do
As Adult Education programs struggle to manage shrinking budgets, many are looking “outside the box” for ways to increase funding.

The New Common Core Standards and Adult basic education (ABE) Curricula
The Common Core Standards (CCS) for Mathematics and English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

Teaching Strategies for Reluctant Learners
How do you get through to students who are reluctant to learn? Here are some strategies that can help you