Filling Your Teaching Positions: Choosing the Best Candidate for an Interview
As the teacher recruitment season begins, school districts begin looking to fill teaching position vacancies created by retirements and resignations.

Employee Selection
The Value of a Job Analysis
Making a hiring decision without the benefit of a detailed breakdown of the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) required for

Employee Selection
Candidate Selection: Comparing Apples to Apples
Reality TV shows are great at illustrating the necessity of apples-to-apples comparison. As the end of the season draws near,

Employee Selection
Structured Interviews: What, Why, and How
3.8 million job openings means a lot of interviews. With an average of five per position, that means about 19

Employee Selection
How to Conduct a Structured Interview
Hiring decisions are important. Using a structured interview can help.
Why is using a structured interview important when hiring? You invest

Employee Selection
Avoid Bias with the Structured Interview
According to the last Department of Labor report, there were 3.6 million job openings at