Proctored vs. Unproctored Testing: What to Consider
If you are familiar with assessments, you have probably heard the terms proctored and unproctored.

How to Help Your Students Get Higher GED Math Scores
According to a study conducted by the GED® Testing Service of actual GED® Test candidates, the candidates who do not
Reinstatement of ATB testing: What you need to know
A brief history of ATB testing:
Prior to 2012, students who lacked a high school credential (a high school diploma; the
A Skills Gap? Or a Communication Gap? How Digital Badges Can Be a Bridge
Almost everyone in the field of education is familiar with the tongue-in-cheek quip, “Hey, Cs Get Degrees!”
While some college students

Competency-Based Education
Two names you need to know in the field of digital badges
As some of the regular readers of this blog are already aware, Wonderlic has recently launched a nationwide initiative in

Competency-Based Education
Revamping the resume with digital badges
Many graduates struggle to effectively showcase their talent to employers, and many of them are consequently unable to find gainful

Competency-Based Education
How digital badging by competency promotes the college-to-career path
Transcripts, certificates, and the like serve as the most commonly-accepted proof that a college graduate has met the graduation criteria