Size Up Your Candidates With Pre-Employment Assessments
This is an excerpt from “Keep Your Candidates Engaged,” an eBook from Wonderlic and Jazz HR. Download the full eBook

The NFL Wonderlic Test and the NFL Scouting Combine: The top 7 questions
The NFL Draft often brings questions to Wonderlic regarding how our test of cognitive ability relates to football. In

Employee Assessments: Tactical or Strategic?
You followed the hiring process to a T and it worked!
You hired a great employee

Synergy in Testing: Combining Personnel Assessments for Optimal Results
There are all sorts of tools you can use for screening job applicants. Two are particularly effective when used together…

Adding Assessments to the Hiring Process
Your hiring process should provide the opportunity to gain a lot of insight about candidates. But if your process is

Why Cognitive Ability Makes a Difference
Cognitive ability testing measures a person’s ability to understand instructions, learn, adapt, solve problems and
Understanding the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE)
The leading student admissions test for Career Colleges is the Scholastic Level Exam (SLE). This blog explains what it is, what