All the candidate insights you need - served up in a single score
(Silver platter not included)

How you’ll cook up rockstar selections
in 4 easy steps
1. Pinpoint the right job profile
Pinpoint the right job profile
Browse our directory of the most common positions for every industry. It’s the mother of all menus.

2. Narrow your applicant pool
Narrow your applicant pool
You want the creme de la creme. Save time by focusing on top candidates and avoiding those who aren’t right for your openings - with stack-ranked single scores.

3. Compare the high rankers
Compare the high rankers
Even your best applicants bring different things to the table. Streamlined comparison tools help you weigh your options. You can also serve up job-tailored interview questions for easy-to-grasp, detailed insights.

4. Set new hires up to crush it
Set new hires up to crush it
Arm your hiring managers with custom onboarding guides - success blueprints for new hires. Kick back and enjoy as your upgraded team gets cookin’.

Get cookin’

Predict top performers
Forecast on-the-job success by measuring candidates’ combination of cognitive, motivation, and personality factors - to get the right mix of ingredients.

Tailor to your job
Get relevant, objective scoring using job-specific profiles and benchmarks. After all, the best part of a recipe is that it’s all figured out for you.

Get results at-a-glance
Easy as pie, automatic applicant ranking identifies those with the greatest potential.

Screen-out unqualified applicants
Hone in on the prime candidates, and don’t waste time on those who won’t cut it. Only Michelin stars for you, baby.
Key Ingredients
3 Tests. 1 Score.
That’s WonScore
From a straightforward topline score to comprehensive candidate analysis, WonScore gives you everything you need.

Cognitive Ability
Measures a candidate’s ability to learn, adapt, solve problems, and understand instructions

Evaluates a candidate’s interests to predict how motivated they’ll be by the actual responsibilities of the job

Assesses the alignment of a candidate’s personality traits with the demands of the job