You need candidates with more than just the skills and abilities to the job.

You need people whose behavioral tendencies align with the job requirements - to boost employee and employer satisfaction.

Does it matter if someone’s personality traits align with the demands of the position?

Yeah, it matters big time.
It improves:
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    Employee Productivity
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While reducing:
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    Customer service complaints
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    Employee turnover
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    Recruitment costs
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Find out which candidates align to your positions - with a Wonderlic personality assessment. Backed by decades of research, we have an extensive track record of helping employers match job candidates to compatible positions.

The Wonderlic personality assessment provides proven results that can be used for hiring purposes. Nuf said.


Personal Characteristics Inventory

Uses the five-factor personality model to measure workplace personality traits that are predictive of job performance

Available in English, French, and Spanish

When people like what they do, they’re happier and more effective. Makes sense.

But if you want to truly understand how a candidate’s personality can impact job satisfaction and performance - let us drop some knowledge on you.

The profile dimensions of this assessment, based on the Five-Factor Model of personality, cover almost all possible variations of a person’s workplace personality:

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Better understanding of how these personality factors affect candidate fit-to-job reduces recruitment costs and turnover.

Base Coat

Tailor-to-your-job Tailor-to-your-job
Tailor to your job

Job-specific scoring ranges for 900+ jobs across every industry. Or you can work with dedicated Wonderlic I/O consultants to create custom job profiles.

Manage-simply Manage-simply
Administer your way

Choose from online administration, scoring and reporting, or paper and pencil administration with fax-back/ template scoring. Test candidates remotely or on-site. However you roll.

Easily-understand-reports Easily-understand-reports
Easily understand reports

Get an easy-to-interpret, summary and narrative reports with simple three-color system illustrates candidate suitability at a glance. Doesn’t get easier than that.

Do-everything-online Do-everything-online
Stay on top of candidates

Sort and filter tools allow you to quickly rank, order, and prioritize your candidates. Track like a boss by pushing high-scoring applicants throughout your hiring process.

Top Coat

Improve employee productivity and satisfaction by matching a candidate’s personality traits to job fit
Identify candidates most suitable for a specific job
Decrease employee turnover
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