Employee Selection
Candidate Selection: Comparing Apples to Apples
Reality TV shows are great at illustrating the necessity of apples-to-apples comparison. As the end of the season draws near,

Employee Selection
Structured Interviews: What, Why, and How
3.8 million job openings means a lot of interviews. With an average of five per position, that means about 19

Employee Selection
How to Conduct a Structured Interview
Hiring decisions are important. Using a structured interview can help.
Why is using a structured interview important when hiring? You invest

Employee Management
Exit Interviews Can Shed Light on Turnover
Many employers wrongfully assume the reason employees leave is because of compensation. However, a recent

Employee Selection
Avoid Bias with the Structured Interview
According to the last Department of Labor report, there were 3.6 million job openings at

Why You Need More Than Just a Resume
There’s nothing like a first impression, and in the case of job applicants, that is often a resume. But let’s