You’re Missing Out on Top Talent: 13 Ways to Attract and Assess the Best Nontraditional Candidates
If your company only seeks out—and seriously considers—candidates who have conventionally impressive resumes, you’re doing yourself a huge disservice.
Structured Interviews: A Guide to Questions and Methodology
Standard (unstructured) interviews are flawed in important ways.
When hiring teams ask different questions of different candidates,
Employee Selection
The Structured Interview: How and Why
You’ve got a group of candidates interested in a position at your company. You’re one step away from
Hiring 101
Seven myths about the “Perfect Applicant”
You’ve got a stack of resumes piled on your desk, but you’re ready to discard nearly all of

Employee Management
How to Value Existing Employees as Much as New Hires
Do you remember the days when banks would offer awesome, shiny new products to new customers?
Banks gave away free slow

Size Up Your Candidates With Pre-Employment Assessments
This is an excerpt from “Keep Your Candidates Engaged,” an eBook from Wonderlic and Jazz HR. Download the full eBook

Interview Guides Are Your Ace in the Hole
If you like playing roulette with the success of your company at stake, you probably love unstructured interviews.
That’s because an