What a Cognitive Ability Test Is—and Why It’s So Useful in Hiring
When looking at ways to assess candidates, there are a lot of competing options available. And we mean a

Cognitive Ability
4 Ways to Expand the Concept of Employee Wellness
There’s a little bit more to the idea of employee wellness than a complimentary annual cholesterol check.

Cognitive Ability
Existing employees should be valued as much as new hires.
Being a current employee is like being an old customer at a bank. Let us explain:

Cognitive Ability
New York Times Magazine Wonderlic Response
We are disappointed with how Wonderlic was portrayed in a recent story from the New York Times, which

Size Up Your Candidates With Pre-Employment Assessments
This is an excerpt from “Keep Your Candidates Engaged,” an eBook from Wonderlic and Jazz HR. Download the full eBook

The NFL Wonderlic Test and the NFL Scouting Combine: The top 7 questions
The NFL Draft often brings questions to Wonderlic regarding how our test of cognitive ability relates to football. In

Synergy in Testing: Combining Personnel Assessments for Optimal Results
There are all sorts of tools you can use for screening job applicants. Two are particularly effective when used together…